Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

educational and professional program "Foundry technologies and equipment",
speciality: 136 - Metallurgy



Object of study: scientific foundations, technologies and equipment of metallurgy in accordance with the foundry.

Purpose of the training: training of specialists capable of developing and using modern technologies for the production of metals and other metallurgical products.

The theoretical content of the subject area: theoretical foundations of metallurgical production processes.

Methods, techniques and technologies: experimental methods for studying materials and processes, modeling methods, special methods in the production of castings, technologies for the production of castings.

Instruments and equipment: experimental equipment, measuring instruments and technological equipment for metallurgy according to specialization, specialized software.


General program: Metallurgy.

Specialization: "Technologies and equipment for foundry".

Training of specialists for organizational, managerial and engineering activities in the field of production of metals and alloys with an emphasis on the processes of modern production of various castings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys.

Educational and professional program; focused on modern research in the production of various castings, the development of innovative technologies that provide resource and energy savings in the production of various castings.

The features of the educational and professional program are in its focus on obtaining a wide range of basic knowledge in specialty 136 "Metallurgy" and in-depth in accordance with the specialization "Technologies and equipment of foundry", which is ensured by the study of disciplines of free choice of the student.

After graduation, students can occupy primary engineering and managerial positions (grassroots management personnel without seniority requirements) provided for by the National Classifier of Occupations (DK 003: 2010) ("2147.2 - engineer (metallurgy)", "2147.2 - process engineer (metallurgy), "2147.2 - process engineer, "2149.2 - engineer for the management and maintenance of systems", "2149.2 - engineer for the assembly of equipment and materials", "2149.2 - engineer for the organization of operation and repair", "2149.2 - engineer for the preparation of production", "2149.2 - Engineer for preventive maintenance", "2149.2 - engineer for repair", "2149.2 - engineer for calculations and modes", "2149.2 - engineer for quality", "2149.2 - engineer for the implementation of new equipment and technology", "2149.2 - engineer-designer", "2149.2 - engineer-controller", "2149.2 - engineer-laboratory assistant", "2149.2 - engineer-technologist") and nomenclatures of positions of industrial enterprises, design and research organizations, prof. il or certain areas of activity of which correspond to the received professional specialization of a bachelor.

They have the right to continue their studies at the second (master's) level of higher education. Obtaining additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.